视频 (Video)
关于谈话 (About the Talk)
Laravel — a free, open-source PHP web application framework — is one of the best ways to build web applications. It is a strong framework that gives many niceties out of the box, freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
Laravel是一种免费的开源PHP Web应用程序框架,是构建Web应用程序的最佳方法之一。 它是一个强大的框架,可以为您带来许多精美的开箱即用的功能,使您可以自由创建,而不会费心小事。
您将学到什么 (What You’ll Learn)
- How to use Laravel to start an app 如何使用Laravel启动应用
- How Laravel helps with routing Laravel如何帮助路由
- How Laravel helps with the front end and UI Laravel如何帮助前端和UI
本演讲专为 (This Talk is Designed For)
Developers that want to build their own apps and use PHP.
关于主持人 (About the Presenter)
Chris Sevilleja (@chrisoncode) is the founder of and Senior Developer Advocate at DigitalOcean. He loves trying to figure out the most efficient and practical way to build apps that we can ship to our customers.
Chris Sevilleja(@chrisoncode)是scotch.io的创始人,也是DigitalOcean的高级开发顾问。 他喜欢尝试找出最有效,最实用的方式来构建我们可以交付给客户的应用程序。